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Kupowanie od osób prywatnych
Sam kupowałem w ten sposób oraz sprzedawałem butelkę i jak na razie nie było z tym problemów. Kurier + pobranie rozwiązuje problem...choć tylko teoretycznie. Świat pełen jest podróbek i trzeba niestety uważać, zwłaszcza w przypadku droższych pozycji.

Taki przykład poniżej:

Cytat:[Obrazek: 65344_661102880600202_293251245_n.jpg]

The fake Glenmorangie bottle(s) are...

All of them.

All are re-fills.

Done very, very basically by me with the help of a wooden spoon of all things (and a two and a half year old son who insisted on helping daddy with - "help do camera daddy, big bottle woosky").

Big Kudos to Liam Barker for getting it right first.
Big Kudos to Simon Thompson for ruthless uber-geek research and accuracy.

Dry goods are non-fake.... bottle, label, stopper and capsule are the real thing, I enjoyed them with friends & family over Christmas but lost the capsule for the Madeira or there would have been all four. All bottles are absolutely genuine, as 'were' the original contents.

Why do this?

Because, as a starter for 10, the number of fakes is increasing and capsules/seals generally rule. If they look even slightly saggy/ill fitting or even just the wrong colour/shade for that bottle then stay away.

The capsules on all these bottles don't fit perfectly as Scott Hanton pointed out very astutely.

Try doing the same thing with a modern Macallan? The other photo is a bottle of common or garden MacGold.... It just can't be done.
[Obrazek: 1554364_661105407266616_1391607717_n.jpg]

Some distillers now do this, all should.

But these G'mo's are older bottles so I guess it's just a word of caution that fakes can be anywhere and at any value as has been seen recently.

.... And the contents of my fake bottles? A supreme liquid, unrivalled in its beauty, unsurpassed in its quality..... Pure water from Loch Shin, with between 3 and 5 drops of E150A added, so while the photo's don't really show it, they do have different grades of colour as the real bottles do.

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