04-03-2014, 08:40 PM
Cytat:Following his success at Glann ar Mor Distillery in Brittany, Jean Donnay (Whisky Magazine Icons of Whisky [RoW] Distillery Manager of the Year 2014) has released new information & photos of his soon-to-be-built distillery, Gartbreck, which will be constructed at Saltpan Point on Islay.
The 9th distillery on the island, Gartbreck will revive traditional methods of whisky making; utilising direct flame heating for its two pot stills, Oregon Pine washbacks & worm tub condensers. The distillery's water will flow by gravity from Grunnd Loch which overlooks the distillery 900m away from it; while the floor malting and kiln will allow for the production of 20% of its needs in peated malt, using local barley from the isle. Planning permission has been approved by Argull & Bute Council and construction is set to commence in the 3rd quarter of 2014.
Watch this space for more updates on Islay's newest distillery!
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Źródło: Whisky Magazine